Executive Search

We find the right candidates for different positions and different needs. Our focus is to reach and exceed the company goals.

We hire more than 2 CEOs/board members a week and total of 250 managers a year. We have a 2-year guarantee and a hit rate of 94 %.

Our candidates have performances of 8+ on a 10-scale. You won’t only get the value of the right candidate. You’ll also get an efficient process of high quality, which itself gives value to business.

In our Seach/Headhunting processes, we use our extensive business understanding, our large national and international network, and our deep insight into the candidate market. We use online ads and search agents to always expand our network and give the candidates the opportunity to find us and our clients when it is relevant.

60% of the candidates we hire are from our Search/Headhunting processes. 40% find us from ads and our extensive digital appearance.

2-year guarantee

You’ll experience multiple top qualified candidates to choose from every time. You’ll also experience our continuous search to maximize the accuracy in choosing the most suited profile in our process.

A misfired management recruitment has considerable consequences, which is why we offer a 2-year guarantee. This means that we will repeat the Search & Selection assignment if the employee has not performed satisfactorily. This applies regardless of whether the employee is given notice or resigns from the position.

We measure our hit rate of candidates still performing after 1 year, and it shows 94%. No one else performs that well.

Global Search

Hansen Toft A/S is a founding partner of the international company Lense & Lumen Advisory Group. Lense & Lumen consists of 15 search companies operating in Scandinavia, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom,  USA/Canada, China/Singapore/Vietnam, India, and South Africa. All partners hold a strong position in their markets and offer a professional and reliable search process.

Partner in Hansen Toft Anders Holmgaard is Group COO of Lense & Lumen.

Read more about our international network here.

The process

Hirings are made of two parts. The company chooses a candidate for a position – and the candidate chooses the company and the job. We support both parties during the process, which gives the best results in the long run.

The foundation for a well-executed hiring is the quality and effort generated in every single phase of the streamlined and tested hiring process.

We will always look for the best suited candidate. Not the easiest or quickest one. We work thoroughly and professionally in every single process to maintain our high hit-rate.

Thanks to our experiences as Management Consultants, we have the necessary competencies to assess the candidate’s track record. Our educational background and our broad experience of using psychological tests make us able to assess the candidate’s personality. The personality is an extremely important factor of giving value to business and making the employment a success.


We do a thorough preliminary analysis by interviewing key employees, analyzing relevant documents, identifying performance demands/expectations as well as analyzing the strategic organizational and cultural circumstances for the position. We challenge your expectations to narrow down the job profile and increase the chance of success.


Our Research department uses classic headhunting and are specialists in other relevant attraction methods as CV-databases and online ads.


We interview and screen candidates – We prepare them for the job and the company. You will be presented with the best fitting candidates, which typically is between 2 and 4 candidates. We choose the best fits with you and perform in-depth interviews and personality analyses. We integrate test tool and carefully selected references during the process. In the end phase, you will receive a written personality report and an oral report of the 1-3 most relevant candidates.


During the on-boarding phase, we have conversations with both parts to make sure the employment is satisfying in both ends.

We accelerate the on-boarding focusing on the first 100 days in the job. During this phase we make sure the candidate reaches a high level of performance quicker than usual.

In Brief

  • Full process
  • Assessment
  • Board
  • Top-management
  • Middle-management
  • Specialists
Value Proposition
  • Moving business via top performing people
  • Market leading Executive Search concept with 2-year guarantee
  • Private Equity
  • Industrial
  • Building
  • Retail/FMCG
  • Financial Sector
  • Life Science
  • Public Sector
  • Technology/IT
  • Marketing/Media